Wednesday 8 December 2010

Poem: 'The 'I-Can-Do-It' Girl'

For this you'll just have to imagine that the girl can't actually do most of the things mentioned in the poem. The poem would tell one side of the story but if I had pictures of the girl they would tell another. Keep this in mind when you read this one. I wrote this in the library at school the other day during my lunch-break, inspired by, of course, a daughter who claims she can do anything!

M5 Maori Poi Balls

I can tie my shoelaces
I can comb my hair
I can put my trousers on
And jump high in the air

I can reach the light switch
Pair of poi I whirl
I can do most anything
I'm an 'I-can-do-it' girl!

I can spread my honey
I can sing a song
I can stay asleep in bed
All the whole night long

I can knit a pattern
Doing plain and purl
I can do most anything
I'm an 'I-can-do-it' girl!

I can use a vacuum
I can flush the loo
I can change the channels
To watch what I want to!

Swimming I do easily
A ball I throw and hurl
I can do most anything
I'm an 'I-can-do-it' girl!

I can run a marathon
Do the high jump too
I can throw the shotput
So much furtherer than you!

I can do gymnastics
In ballet bend and twirl
I can do most anything
I'm an 'I-can-do-it' girl!

I can read a story
From beginning to the end
I can give out all my sweets
To my one and true best friend

I can work the treadmill
And do a two-leg curl
I can do most anything
I'm an 'I-can-do-it' girl!

I can eat my brocolli
My brussel sprouts too
I can wash my long, brown hair
Without using shampoo!

Of all the things that I can do
In the whole, entire world
The thing that I can do the
Be the 'I-can-do-it' girl!

(Picture from:


  1. Thanks a heap Jodi and family!!

  2. cute idea! good class activity perhaps too doing poems of what they are or could be good at (yes i am a big fan of positive reinforcement!). I hope Laura is learning the poi too ;)

  3. Yeah, I might actually do that...I teach poetry next term with my class and it could be a good idea to incorporate an activity like this...that didn't even cross my mind. Cheers!! Great idea!
