Saturday 27 November 2010

Poem: 'My Mum Knows Everything!'

I wrote this poem after watching my daughter cuddling into her mummy one afternoon...a reminder of that special unconditional love mummies everywhere have and show toward their little ones...and to celebrate that mums really do know everything!

How to rid of that stain?
And how long will it rain?
To find out, who do I ring?
The one thing I trust
And ‘tis really a must
My mother....'She knows everything!’
From bolognese sauce
To laws on divorce
There’s nothing she cannot recanter
But one thing I know
For that’s where I go
To my mother...Who knows all the banter!
Defuzzing bad hair
And a great listening ear
She always provides sound advice
But one thing is sure
To tell all to and more
My mother...Don’t need to think twice!
When I scrape my knee
Or just need some T.L and C
My mum, she comes to the rescue
With her Supermum cape
And her arm 'round my nape
My mother...takes care of me too!
So without more to say
On this Mother’s Day
Please spare a wee thought on one thing!
The woman, the lady
Who gave birth to you as a baby
Your Mum - Who knows everything!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Review: 'Oliver Who Would Not Sleep' by Mara Bergman and Nick Maland (Children's Picture Book)

Ever had a child who wants to stay awake rather than go to bed? This could be the picture book that helps them to settle to sleep. After his parents turn out the lights, Oliver doesn't want to go to bed and instead plays in his room and imagines a great adventure to Mars. Throughout his imaginary journey he has a load of fun but realises after much thought that he really, really misses the comfort of his own bed and cuddly toys! This picture book is great for children with its infective rhyming scheme and wonderful illustrations. A 'must-have' for all children's bookshelves! ( review by Timu Niwa)

Sunday 21 November 2010

Review: 'What Does Daddy Do?' by Rachel Bright (Children's Picture Book)

What Does Daddy Do?

My daughter woke up this morning and went straight to this book after only buying it yesterday! It has great pictures and I love the way Daisy, the character in this story, explains in her own child-like way, her own father's job. This book made my wife and I giggle and my daughter absolutely loves it. My daughter relates the story to me as her 'daddy' and it is great to have a picture book for children with real-life experiences that is also extremely fun to read! Well recommended! ( review by Timu Niwa)

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Poem: 'Off to see Penguins in Antarctica!'

I wrote this poem after being in the car with my daughter and she was desperate to go to the toilet...

‘I need to go to the toilet, Dad!’
Comes a voice from the back seat of the car.
‘I’m sorry,' I say, 'but we can’t stop today
For Antarctica is really quite far!’

‘Stop being so silly’
Says the voice once again, ‘I’m really quite busting right now!’
‘I’m being serious my love, the penguins’ just rung
And their home ain’t for another 24 hour!’

‘Well, send them a text back’
My daughter retorts, ‘I’m sure the penguins won’t really be bothered!’
Rolling her eyes, right up to the skies
If looks could kill, I’d be clobbered!

‘Now, now my dear love,
There’s no need for that, be thankful that we’ve been invited
To tea with the penguins and all of her cousins
For this I thought you’d be delighted!’

‘Oh Dad, stop being stupid!
I need to go pee, if I wet myself it’s all your fault!'
With a slump and a screel and a turn of the wheel
I brake... and we come to a halt.

‘Thank-you’, she says
‘Phew, that’s a relief!’ She goes and is back very soon.
‘Now, where are we really going to Dad?’
I say, ‘How ‘bout a quick trip to the moon?’

Friday 12 November 2010

Poem: 'Getting Rotten Cake on the Belmont Road'

I wrote this poem after buying a cake only to find it wasn't fresh!

Have been to Belmont Road to the local Mace
Bought a sponge cake to take back to our place
After having one bite, to my surprise
The cake was rotten, rage filled my eyes
Upon closer inspection there were spotty bits of mould
And the date on the packet said it was two weeks too old!
Went back to the shop and had a little mental
They were very apologetic and said it was accidental
'Yeah right,' I thought as she passed the buck
Me getting old cake was just bad luck?
I smiled very politely and kept myself calm
Got my money back and drove off in my car
Will write a letter of complaint as I love to goad
Everyone boycott Mace on the Belmont Road!